
Hire global talent or get left behind | Ep89 with Paul Xue

Last week Paul mentioned on X that he wanted share his thoughts & findings after a few months of researching the state of global hiring.

We're happy to play host to this conversation and share Paul's ideas with you!

Here's what we got into:
🤑 The reasons having a global team make sense for your startup.
🛠️ How to build a remote, async workflow that won't slow your team down no matter where they are.
🚫 What kind of mistakes or blockers still exist for founders who try to go global.
🤝 How to connect with employees or employers who are a good fit for the company and culture (without spamming AI generated resumes)

And that's just the start — Paul cares deeply about building a sense of community no matter how physically separated a team is.
Hope you enjoy the show 🍻

Follow Paul on X & check out his amazing guide to building a successful agency!